Guides developed to orient new students

Planning for Courses

Optional Areas of Interest

Dual MLIS & School Media Specialist Certification

Preparation to serve children and teens in school and public libraries

Program of Study Forms

A program of study is your record of the courses that you plan to take to fulfill graduation requirements and meet your career goals. It must be developed jointly by you and your advisor. Ask your advisor for help in selecting the appropriate form from the list below. 

If you plan to request transfer credits for a core course, the course must meet the criteria for the course taught in this program.

Graduation Application

Applications are due to your advisor in the semester before you take MLIS 7800 Capstone.

Completing your Graduation Application involves: Payment of fee to the ·¬ÇÑÖ±²¥app Bursary, and submitting MLIS Curriculum Checklist form & Graduation Application forms.

Filing your Graduation forms

ALL forms below must be completed and signed by you where designated.

  • Complete the MLIS Program Curriculum Checklist form and email it to your advisor. 
  • Then go to /academics/registrar/forms/graduation-forms.php to access the electronic graduation application form and pay the graduation fee. The graduation application will be routed to your advisor for their review and signature.
  • Please note: your advisor CAN NOT complete your graduation application until AFTER they have received your completed Curriculum Checklist form so that they are able to attach it to your Graduation Application. System won't accept your Graduation Application until after we have your Curriculum Checklist attached.