Thank you for your willingness to assist our specialist candidates in their pursuit of excellence with integrating effective technology into the learning environments in which they work. Below you will find several links that may be of assistance to you in your role as mentor. Please review at least one of the first three links, the Mentor PowerPoint Training, and review the rubric that you will submit as an evaluation of the candidate’s performance.

Upon completion download the available certificate, save it with your name as part of the filename, fill in your name and the date, and send a copy as an email attachment to Dr. Daesang Kim ( as verification that you completed the mentor training.

  1. Education Week “”
  2. ASCD “”
  3. Edutopia “”

Mentor PowerPoint Training (Adapting from the Mentor Training for Educational Leadership Candidates developed by Dr. M. Bochenko.

Completion Certificate

Additional Resources