

  • Each student has own copy
  • Cost to student
Open Textbooks
  • Open textbooks will save students money
  • Not many open textbooks available
Library-licensed eBooks
  • Not all texts are available as eBooks
  • Some eBooks have a limited number of concurrent users
  • Some have maximum total uses
  • Some can be "checked out", locking out access for other students
Library Course Reserves
  • Limited copies available for students to use
  • May work better with smaller classes or when small portions of the text are being used

Book Chapter

  • Faculty and staff are responsible for copyright and license compliance
  • Rarely more than one book chapter can be used and considered fair use. If multiple chapters are needed, other options may need to be explored, such as putting it on course reserves or putting the chapters in a course pack.
Course pack
  • Copyright royalties are typically paid for by book chapter in course packs
  • Students pay all of the fees when purchasing a course pack

Library-licensed electronic journal article

  • Use persistent links in BlazeVIEW to connect to journal articles. Instructions can be found .
Course pack
  • Some electronic journal articles can be used royalty free in course packs. Some require fees.
  • Students pay all fees when purchasing a course pack

Library-owned print journal articles

  • ILL can scan articles within reason for faculty members to post in their BlazeVIEW courses
Course pack
  • Copyright royalties usually need to be paid for copies of print journal articles
  • Students pay all fees by purchasing course packs

Journal article/book chapter from other sources

Course pack
  • Copyright royalties usually need to be paid for copies of print journal articles
  • Students pay all fees by purchasing course packs


Streaming Media
  • Films on Demand. Videos from Films on Demand may be embedded in BlazeVIEW. They must be deleted when your class is complete.

Instructor created content

  • Perfect option for syllabi, assignments, and so on