
Neena Banerjee Portrait

Neena Banerjee


  • PhD
    University of North Carolina Charlotte

Dr. Banerjee’s research focuses on education policy in the U.S. Her current research examines how structural and cultural factors in schools influence student learning outcomes during their elementary, secondary and college years. She is studying the implications of teacher diversity in schools and teacher-student ethno-racial matching on teachers’ job satisfaction, students’ schooling experiences and educational outcomes.  She is also interested in issues of teacher quality, school culture and achievement gaps.

Areas of Concentration

  • Education Policy
  • Public Policy


  • Baracskay, D., Glen, C., Banerjee, N., Jha, N.K., Yehl, S. (2023) Understanding American Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations: concepts, ideas, and theories. University of North Georgia Press.
  • Banerjee, N. (2023) “Public Education as a Dimension of Intergovernmental Relations,” chapter for the book Understanding American Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations: concepts, ideas, and theories. University of North Georgia Press.  
  • Neena Banerjee & Nandan Jha. (2023) “Political Dimensions of Intergovernmental Relations,” chapter for the book Understanding American Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations: concepts, ideas, and theories. University of North Georgia Press.
  • Jha, N.K., Banerjee, N., & Moller, S. (2019) “Assessing the Role of Teachers’ Unions in the Adoption of Accountability Policies in Public Education.” The Urban Review. Pp. 1-32. Springer Netherlands.
  • Banerjee, N. (2017) “Effects of Teacher-Student Ethno-Racial Mismatch and Overall Teacher Diversity in Elementary Schools on Educational Outcomes.” Journal of Research in Childhood Education. Vol. 32 (1): 94-118. Taylor & Francis. 
  • Banerjee, N. (2017) “Teacher-Student Ethno-Racial Mismatch and Reading Ability Group Placement.” Education and Urban Society. Vol. 51 (3): 395-422. Sage Publications. Online version available at  
  • Banerjee, N., Stearns, E., Moller, S., & Mickelson, R.A (2017). “Teacher Satisfaction and  Student Achievement in the Elementary Grades: The Roles of  Teacher Professional Community and Teacher Collaboration in Schools.” American Journal of Education. 123. 203-241. University of Chicago Press. Online version available at



Proposal Title: College Readiness through Civic Engagement: Impacting Underserved Youth across the Wiregrass of South Georgia.  

PI/PD: Neena Banerjee & Joseph Robbins  
Contributors: Michael Baun, Christine James, Robert Harding, Mandi Bailey & Zachary Karazsia Grant Type: Implementation Grant (3 years)  

Year: 2021  
Funding Agency: Teagle Foundation   
Funding Amount: $300,000 (Funded)