
Kathryn Troy Portrait

Kathryn Troy


  • Doctor of Musical Arts
    Louisiana State University

Kathryn DeLaMare Troy is a cellist whose focus is to communicate the meaning, purpose, and beauty of music to diverse audiences. Kathryn has demonstrated her commitment to increasing classical music's accessibility through organizing community concerts, performing therapeutic music, and even creating humorous online videos. She was named the Loring Conant Music Practitioner Scholar, which funded her training to become a Certified Music Practitioner to play one-on-one therapeutic music at the bedside of patients in hospitals. She received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Louisiana State University in the studio of Dennis Parker, her Master of Music degree from the Longy School of Music with Nicholas Tzavaras, and her Bachelor of Arts degree from Southern Virginia University with Julia Goudimova. Kathryn’s current focus is to create interactive, engaging concerts that push the boundaries of the traditional classical performance.